Treasure in South Florida

About yogiinya

Yoga, in my childhood, was like my gymnastics class, but had more mystery. It involved sages, mystics, and the sacred; where as a young gymnast I was focused on the physical aspects of becoming an athlete. My elders would lead me in and out of their practices as I grew up, but time would be required before I came to it my self. Having a dedicated practice and living yoga since 1994, I am loyal to my teacher Dr. Pratap, founder of Sky Yoga and the the Yoga Research Society. The concept of 'non harm' is what draws me closest to Yoga. There is great strength to be found therein on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and Universal levels. Yoga, the path, a way of life; it involves what happens on the mat, but is not restricted to happening there.
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2 Responses to Treasure in South Florida

  1. Yogi In Ya says:

    Look Up
    The Fruit and Spice Park, Old Florida preserved, a slice of history and time, coexisting with now;
    Sacred and sweet as the slice of an orange in the heat of the sun or a mango’s juice dripping on your chin in the shade of its parent tree.
    If I were to return as a Buddhist, I would seek enlightenment under the White Sapote Tree and learn the secret truth possessed in its sweet flesh by design.
    Entering the Park I intuit the phrase Look up . . . it stays with me.

    Look up- at the bright fuscia pink of the Dragon Fruit cacti
    Look up- at the tightly closed, small, compact hands of banana
    Look up- at the bamboo fingers waving in the air, clicking back and forth on one another
    Look up- at the mango, the guava, the mamey sapote, lychee, avocado, breadfruit, jackfruit, lemon
    Look up- at the fruits of our human labor
    Look up- at the time forgotten, ignored, unneeded, preserved in flesh surrounding seed.
    Look up.
    Look up at the heritage of place and people; food scape and dream; share in the sharing of sustenance.
    Look up.


  2. yogiinya says:

    Reblogged this on yogiinya and commented:

    Going forward into a new year, I strengthen my commitment to ya, Yogi.


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